I’m starting a
brief series of posts dealing with education. They should provide some advice
about what to do with education in general, and some particular advice about
theology and philosophy in education. I’m seeking to answer questions that I
occasionally get about what the best route is to take for an individual’s
education. I freely admit there are far too many fields that I know virtually
nothing about, so it’s quite likely some of the advice I give is flat-out wrong
in some cases. Use your best discernment! Today’s post will deal with
unaccredited degrees.
A school is
accredited by a body that has been approved to do so ultimately by the U.S.
Department of Education. The DOE is not themselves the accreditation-grantor.
Because accreditation is technically privatized, the argument that the
government controls accreditation is not quite right. Still, some schools
choose the unaccredited route for religious and theological reasons, and that
is their right. An accredited degree is no guarantee of high quality, but it
does guarantee that minimum standards are set. We’ll get into other types of
accreditation in future articles. Should you do an unaccredited degree? Not in
most cases. Let me explain.
Reasons not to
do Unaccredited Degrees:
1. It
might be a degree mill.
speaking, a “degree mill” only describes a “school” where you send them money,
and they send you a degree (on any level, including doctoral). It also includes
schools where they “evaluate” your prior transcripts and application (where you
often list work history), and they can give you a bachelor’s, master’s, or even
doctorate based on life experience (and, of course, a down payment). But I’d
say most people are wary these days of simply sending money and receiving a
degree (at least usually, and if they’re honest). More recently, “degree mill”
has also come to describe schools that technically exceed this standard, but
only barely. They require little work and time and, frequently, bachelor’s
through doctorate can be obtained in perhaps 18 months. One particular school
I’m thinking of asks you to do chapter summaries/critiques of a book in order
to complete a course, and maybe 20 books to complete a master’s degree. This is
a travesty! Higher education should be much more than doing book reports. You
don’t want a degree from a degree mill, or anything resembling one.
2. It
might be illegal to use your credentials.
In some states,
and in some cases, obtaining the
degree isn’t the problem. It’s using it. In some situations, you can actually
be breaking the law by claiming to have a credential that, in the eyes of
accreditation, you do not have, in order to get a job or obtain business. Just
tread carefully here. If you’ve done the homework and you’re OK with obtaining
the degree but never using it for professional purposes, you might be all
3. Your
credits may not be accepted at most accredited schools.
Let me be frank:
your credits will not be accepted at
most accredited schools. While it is true that some accredited schools will
accept unaccredited credits or degrees, especially if the school has a good
reputation (I’m thinking about Liberty and some unaccredited schools
specifically), this is not usually the case. I can think of so many times where
someone has done an unaccredited bachelor’s, and can’t get into any accredited
seminaries. The disappointment can make you feel trapped, as sometimes people
find out that instead of being able to do a standard PhD, one must start her
education all over again. All because the schools they chose were unaccredited.
4. In
some cases, it’s dishonest.
Note the
qualifier “in some cases.” Some, perhaps many, states still allow unaccredited
schools to offer PhD’s, specifically. The PhD is often recognized as the
Western world’s highest academic degree. It is like the driver’s license for
world-class scholarship. It means you have interacted with the best and most
up-to-date scholarship in your field, perusing anthologies, monographs, and
especially journal articles. Not only that, but a successful PhD will have
journal articles published of his own (at least eventually), and has always
completed a lengthy dissertation. This dissertation isn’t just a long project,
or even a long research paper. Instead, it’s taken all of the recent
scholarship on a narrow topic into consideration, and formed an original contribution the world of
academia has not yet seen. In all likelihood, the successful PhD is the foremost authority in the entire
world on her particular dissertation topic. The vast majority of unaccredited
PhD’s don’t even come close to these standards (many of them having never researched
a journal article). Having a PhD from this type of an institution gives the
impression you’ve done much, or perhaps all of this, but the reality is really
far short.
5. It
usually does not meet the standards of scholarship.
This goes with
(4). Even some unaccredited schools that are “recommended” fall into this trap.
They honestly believe they have world-class scholarship, but they do not. One
way to find out: read a dissertation or master’s thesis from their school, and
then read one on the same level from an accredited school. That’s not a
surefire way to tell (perhaps the student on either end is exceptionally good
or bad), but it’s a small indicator. Or perhaps ask someone who has been to
both an accredited and unaccredited school. There are good ones out there.
6. If
you want to teach at an accredited school, you usually must have an accredited
This is huge. So
many of the people who ask me for advice are fellow Christians who want to know
the best way they can earn qualifications to teach. Some plan on being a
professor, others just want to have the opportunity, or to do it part-time. Try
perusing a regionally accredited school’s job requirements for professors one
day. Try several such schools. Know what almost always shows up as one of them?
You must have a PhD/master’s from a regionally accredited school! What about
nationally accredited schools? You must have a PhD/master’s from an accredited
school! In most cases, at most accredited schools, if you don’t have an
accredited graduate or post-graduate degree, you can forget about teaching.
Your options will be limited to unaccredited schools, which are usually so
small that it’s difficult to make a career out of teaching there (usually it
could be part-time or even no pay).
As I have tried
to hint at, there are good unaccredited schools. If you have your eyes wide
open to the future ramifications, and if the pitfalls above won’t apply to you,
and you want to study at an unaccredited school, don’t be discouraged! As
always, follow God’s will in all things. But, for the average student, I wouldn’t
recommend going to an unaccredited school.
Excellent, prayerful article!! -- coming from a reader who is currently enrolled in an unaccredited theological institution. Thanks for the timely information, brother! -- Dave Johnson, Lakeland, Fla.
ReplyDeleteThanks Dave! As you can see, I'm not always against unaccredited schools, or think that they're all inferior. If you are where God wants you, that's excellent! :)
DeleteThank you for this article. It reads as thoughtful, honest, forthright and unbiased. I am a graduate of both accredited and unaccredited schools, and I have benefited from both.
ReplyDeleteThank again!