James 5.16 clearly exhorts us to “Confess
your faults one to another.” My question is how far does this extend? If we are
honest with ourselves, we may find that we have sinful thoughts about other
people multiple times per day. This can be evil thoughts of all kinds. So, do
we track down each person, each time it occurs, and confess it? This seems not
only tedious, but potentially impossible.
Here’s an idea: perhaps we only do this
when it affects the other person. This initially sounds plausible, but, as a
matter of fact, it too suffers from a fatal flaw. We are often under the
unfortunate and mistaken assumption that our own internal sins only affect
ourselves. However, we know from experience and the Bible that no man is an
island (Rom. 14.7-8). What we think helps form our character, and our character
affects not only who we are, but also the lives of others we encounter. So, if
this principle holds, then we’re right back where we started.
So perhaps another track is needed—after
all, a fool speaks all his mind (Proverbs 29.11). Perhaps it is something like
this: when we have done something that clearly has an external affect, or when
we have done something or had any attitude toward someone that they have
perceived as an offense, we ought to seek reconciliation. This “clearly” bit
helps delineate things a little, but it doesn’t eliminate all confusion
outright. Thus, another guiding principle is needed, one that I suggest be
joined to this one. That is: follow what God is leading you to do. This can be
known through the Bible and through wise counsel. If God is moving you, then
please follow it!
There are a few questions that remain,
however: What other considerations should we take into account with respect to
confessing our faults one to another? What role should the local church play
formally in these instances? How does the concept and practice of forgiveness
come into play? I’d love to hear your thoughts below!