I want everyone to feel welcome to comment on this site, however, I must insist on a few things.
- No anonymous comments will be allowed. Sorry.
- Agree or disagree as strongly as you'd like, just be somewhat polite. Comments which are abusive or function as thinly-veiled insults without any substance will be deleted.
- Sexually explicit comments, violent comments, libelous comments, or indecent comments will be deleted. I will be the sole judge of what constitutes "indecent." I will not delete a post just because someone takes offense, but neither will I tolerate boorish behavior.
- Comment as often as you'd like, but please keep it to under book-length!
- Spam, ads, or comments which function merely to increase web traffic to another site will be deleted.
- Please keep posts on topic.
- While debate and discussion are encouraged, an extremely lengthy correspondence should be avoided.
- I reserve the right to delete comments or close comments on a post for any reason, regardless of whether or not they conform to (1-7) above.