Monday, August 19, 2013

The Hiatus is Over

I know I have been gone for quite some time, so I’d like to take this opportunity to update everyone on what’s been going on this summer. First, my wife and I wrapped up our secular jobs in mid-June and mid-July, respectively. Then, we took a two-week trip to Zambia, Africa, to visit my sister-in-law and her family, who are missionaries there. We flew into Livingstone via Munich, Germany and Johannesburg, South Africa. We had a wonderful time visiting with family, participating in ministry, and seeing the sights (including a safari!).

After the Africa trip, we had exactly five days to adjust to the time change, pack up all of our belongings, and drive a U-Haul from Jacksonville, FL, to Wake Forest, NC. I am preparing to start a second master’s degree, one with a lot of electives I intend to fill with philosophy courses. The school I am attending is Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and I am already excited. We have met new friends, bought books, and are looking for a new church home. We intend to decide soon, so we are praying for the Lord’s wisdom and guidance in this area. Neither of us have full-time jobs, and Jodi is looking for one while I go to school full-time and do adjunct work for Trinity. We may add a donation link through the website for anyone who would feel led to help during this time (but no one feel any pressure! I don’t roll that way). All we ask for is your prayers, if we could.

I intend to resume writing again as soon as tomorrow. Until then, God bless you, and thanks for your patience with the lack of content!


  1. Glad you are back and look forward to your articles.

    Blessings in your studies!

    Ron Hale

  2. Good to know you're back in the saddle ! Do you think you'll be doing some studying under Dr. Little ?

    I read his short theodicy, "God, Why This Evil ?" and liked it quite a bit due to its approach in leaning away from a greater-good theodicy. I'm wondering whether I should read his "A Creation-Order Theodicy: God and Gratuitous Evil". I know it's the same theodicy, but not sure if any more is covered in that than the former.

    1. I don't have Dr. Little yet, but it's almost a guarantee if I continue on in philosophy. I would read "A Creation-Order Theodicy," as it is a little more detailed. I happen to prefer greater-good theodicies as opposed to gratuitous evil, but I like developing arguments even if evil happens to be gratuitous.


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